
工匠 這是我的戰爭劇情內容 這是我的戰爭人物故事是什麼

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工匠 這是我的戰爭劇情內容 這是我的戰爭人物故事是什麼

本站上曾經發起過一個投票,調查玩家認爲最好用的人物是哪一個,投票結果15格高居榜首,羅曼位居其次,廚子第三。實際上若真正發生了戰爭,大家想想看,在一個破破爛爛的庇護所裏,誰的技能纔是第一需要?毫無疑問是工匠,且看他的自我介紹:"Something broke? I can fix it. Any worthless trash lying around? I can make plenty of useful stuff out of junk. And I don't waste material - all of them... parts, bits of wood, plastic pipes... and all the other... things. I know how to make tools, furniture, stoves, heaters, whatever. Given enough time, I can make this place look almost like a proper home. I wish it was equally simple with mine." 沒錯,遊戲給人一種錯覺,似乎任何人只要給塊地盤並足夠的零件器材都能生出個爐竈來,其實這是不可能的事,我們沒有理由認爲養尊處優的律師和紙上談兵的數學家幹這種粗活累活就跟上過技校一樣順手,若說記者、小偷和足球運動員能親手組裝出一個金屬工作臺也不是可能性多高的事。但是爲了遊戲平衡性考慮又不能將傢俱建造的能力全分配給工匠,雖然不可否認從人物描述上來看馬林是最具備“魯濱孫精神”的人(我當然不是指什麼該死的老掉牙的資本主義上升時期的正面者典型,當然更不是指他習慣不穿內褲),魯濱孫的標語是什麼?給我一個失樂園,我還你一個復樂園。馬林的標語則是,給我一個“place”,我還你一個“proper home”。

馬林故事的核心就是一個照亮他生活的小男孩,不難猜測馬林可能是膝下無子的(故事裏提到妻子卻沒有提到孩子),因此與小男孩的secret trade更像是一種中年男人與小男孩之間類似友情、更似親情的羈絆。倖存者裏談到自己兒女的非常少,17格和飛毛腿都有提到過自己的兒子,但是沒有哪一個像馬林這樣將這種親情提升到“once brightened his day”的高度。馬林也是一個情緒易受影響的人,只是意外地執着,十二人的好結局都是一種開雲見日,唯獨馬林的更加一層驀然回首。

Marin's Story


"People treasure their possessions now. In the past, they just tossed out anything that broke. I had a hard time living off my workshop, customers were dropping bu once or twice a day, mostly like that old lady who had been using the same iron since she was a young bride and the world was brighter... But there were exceptions."

"One day a little boy brought his action figure with a broken arm. You can't glue that kind of plastic. Oh my, I said, this is serious, and his eyes welled up and I had no heart to turn him down, so I just told him to return the next day. I fixed it - trade secret - and then he saw it, his smile lit up the whole room. I don't know what became of him. The toy I found in the street after all went to hell."

"I was asked to make a set of burglary tools. I refused. Money was good, but I wanted none of it. I wish I knew those customers wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. They came for me when I was upstairs with my wife, fast asleep. I figure they couldn't force the shop door, so they just tossed a Molotov through the window. Our bedroom window."

"The flames were everywhere. I grabbed the sheets and tried to, tried to, you know. Smother the fire. But her hair - everything was burning. Everything was burned down. I escaped. I don't know how. I wish I had taken that job."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Marin is alive.

"Surviving the war, Marin set about finding the boy who once brightened his day. His efforts proved futile so he rebuilt his house and kept the action figure in the shop window. And one winter afternoon, the entrance bell rang and the familiar smile has once again filled Marin's workshop - and his life - with light."

Alternate Ending

"Marin cheated death again and saw the end of fighting. Although he remained plagued by the survivor's guilt, he set about rebuilding his life and soon he was running a small repair business, again. He kept the action figure on his workbench but never found the courage to look for its previous owner."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Marin is dead.

"These hardened hands will never again make anything right neither for Marin, nor for anyone else. The tragic story of this man came to an end. Maybe he finally found peace."