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这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么


老爷子个人描述里的“I'm just an old fart who knows nothing.”莫名虐心。诚然,在和平年代像老爷子这样头脑精明的人能够发挥出极大的社会科学效益,然而在战争年代,却只能被当成拖油瓶一样的存在。尊老爱幼的次级社会道德也比不过生存的首级本能,然而坐在电脑屏前无冻饿之虞逞消遣之快的我,权当是提升操作难度而已,老爷子上门来二话不说也收了,似乎这样就可以避免自问若真放在战争年代会否为这样一位行动力弱的老人打开大门的道德问题。

这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么 第2张




"I've been running into either unsufferable rubes or outright criminals. But I feel that you're different. And for a scientist with an established position like me, the company of people of comparable mental capacity is paramount. Besides.. ah, bloody hell, I can't stand faking it anymore! I'm just an old fart who knows nothing. I'm so grateful for your company. I've been out there alone for too long. Way too long."

Anton's Story


"I'm so glad to be here. I apologize for my introductory tirade. But this war has taken a heavy toll on my mind. Some people who are... who were very dear to my heart gave me an order to stay alive at all costs. And since I owe them my life, it's no longer mine to throw away."

"I was factually precise about my status in the academia. I was nominated for the Fields Medal once - it's like the Nobel Prize in mathematics. I'm... I used to teach and enjoyed it quite a lot. This, in turn, is in a way responsible for the impact the war had on me. I was trying to protect my brightest students for months, only to become a witness to them being killed ruthlessly."

"After the destruction of the university, we ran and hid. We lived in basements for endless months. We crawled through dark passages and hunted vermin to delay starvation. I saw my pupils go mad from fear, lack of hope, and deprivation. We huddled together in cellars like worms under a stone, listening to the roar of explosions, waiting for the merciful death."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Anton is alive.

" While war left deep marks on Anton's character, he returned to teaching with new found determination. And while too old for the Field Medal, he's still eligible for the equally prestigious Able Prize."

Alternate ending

"Anton managed to stay alive but war scarred him for life. He never again found the courage to attach emotionally to anyone and devoted himself entirely to the pursuit of abstract knowledge."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Anton is dead.

"Anton will never get his award. Despite his students sacrifice, he did not manage to survive. The theorem he can prove, the students he could lead and inspire - all gone."